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How to use scbctl

Key Commands

scbctl scan: Creating Scans

Use the scan command to create a new Scan custom resource. For it to work you need to have the scan type installed in the namespace you run the command for.

scbctl scan [scanType] -- [parameters...]

By default the scan command creates a scan with the same name as the scan type. E.g. when creating a nmap scan, it will be called nmap. YOu can provide a custom name using the --name flag.


  • Create a basic nmap scan against scbctl scan nmap --
  • Create a named scan: scbctl scan nmap --name my-nmap-scan --
  • Multiple parameters: scbctl scan nuclei -- -target
  • Scan in a specific namespace: scbctl scan --namespace testing nmap -- -p 80

scbctl trigger: Triggering ScheduledScans

To manually trigger a ScheduledScan. This will create a new scan for the ScheduledScan.

scbctl trigger [scheduledScanName] [flags]

If the ScheduledScan is configured with an interval, e.g. every 4h, the next interval is reset, so that the next scheduled execution will be in 4h from when the scbctl trigger command is executed. If the ScheduledScan is configured using a cron expression the ScheduledScan will still be scheduled as usual when the cron expression next matches.


  • Trigger a scan: scbctl trigger nmap-localhost
  • Trigger in a different namespace: scbctl trigger nmap-localhost --namespace production

Tips for Effective Use

  1. Explore Help: Use scbctl --help or scbctl [command] --help for detailed information about commands and flags.
  2. Namespace Awareness: Always be mindful of which namespace you're operating in, especially in multi-tenant environments.
  3. Combining with kubectl: While scbctl simplifies many operations, you may still need to use kubectl for more advanced Kubernetes operations.
  4. Automation: Consider incorporating scbctl commands into scripts or CI/CD pipelines for automated security scanning.

By leveraging scbctl, you can streamline your interaction with secureCodeBox, making it easier to manage scans and scheduled scans in your Kubernetes environment.