What is "Persistence DefectDojo" Hook about?
The DefectDojo hook imports the reports from scans automatically into OWASP DefectDojo. The hook uses the import scan API v2 from DefectDojo to import the scan results.
Scan types which are both supported by the secureCodeBox and DefectDojo benefit from the full feature set of DefectDojo, like deduplication. These scan types are (see up-to-date list in Java source):
- Nmap
- Nikto
- ZAP (Baseline, API Scan and Full Scan)
- ZAP Advanced
- SSLyze
- Trivy
- Gitleaks
- Semgrep
After uploading the results to DefectDojo, it will use the findings parsed by DefectDojo to overwrite the original secureCodeBox findings identified by the parser. This lets you access the finding metadata like the false positive and duplicate status from DefectDojo in further ReadOnly hooks, e.g. send out Slack notification for non-duplicate & non-false positive findings only.
This hook reads only from raw findings and not from secureCodeBox findings. Because DefectDojo does a way better job on parsing the findings itself, instead of parsing our secureCodeBox finding format with the generic scan type. If you want to modify a finding before it is imported into DefectDojo you can write a custom post-processing hook which operates on the raw findings.
For scan types which are not supported by DefectDojo, the generic importer is used, which will result in a less sophisticated display of the results and fewer features inside DefectDojo. In the worst case, it can lead to some findings being lost - see the note below.
Be careful when using the DefectDojo Hook in combination with other ReadAndWrite Hooks. By default, the secureCodeBox makes no guarantees about the execution order of multiple ReadAndWrite hooks, they can be executed in any order. This can lead to "lost update" problems as the DefectDojo hook will overwrite all findings, which disregards the results of previously run ReadAndWrite hooks. ReadOnly hooks work fine with the DefectDojo hook as they are always executed after ReadAndWrite Hooks. If you want to control the order of execution of the different hooks, take a look at the hook priority documentation (supported with secureCodeBox 3.4.0 and later).
The DefectDojo hook will send all scan results to DefectDojo, including those for which DefectDojo does not have native support. In this case, DefectDojo may incorrectly deduplicate findings, which can in some cases lead to incomplete imports and even data loss. You can set the hook to read-only mode, which will prevent it from writing the results back to secureCodeBox (--set defectdojo.syncFindingsBack=false
during installation of the hook) if you want to rule out any data loss inside secureCodeBox, but this will not prevent the incorrect deduplication from affecting the data you see inside DefectDojo (for this, you will need to contribute a parser to DefectDojo). You can also selectively disable the DefectDojo hook for certain scans using the hook selector feature (supported with secureCodeBox 3.4.0 and later).
The persistence-defectdojo chart can be deployed via helm:
# Install HelmChart (use -n to configure another namespace)
helm upgrade --install persistence-defectdojo oci://
Kubernetes: >=v1.11.0-0
Additional Chart Configurations
Installing the DefectDojo persistenceProvider hook will add a ReadAndWrite Hook to your namespace.
kubectl create secret generic defectdojo-credentials --from-literal="apikey=08b7..."
helm upgrade --install dd oci:// \
Configuring Where In DefectDojo Results Are Ingested To
The hook will automatically import the scan results into an engagement in DefectDojo. If the engagement doesn't exist the hook will create the engagement (CI/CD engagement) and all objects required for it (product & product type). The hook will then pull the imported information from DefectDojo and use them to replace the findings inside secureCodeBox.
You don't need any configuration for that to work, the hook will infer engagement & product names from the scan name. If you want more control over the names or add additional meta information like the version of the tested software you can add these via annotation to the scan. See examples below.
Scan Annotation | Description | Default if not set | Notes |
---|---|---|---| | Name of the Product Type | Product Type with ID 1 (typically "Research and Development") | Product Type will be automatically created if no Product Type under that name exists. Product Type names need to be unique in the DefectDojo instance. | | Name of the Product | ScheduledScan Name if Scheduled, Scan Name if it's a standalone Scan | Product will be automatically created if no Product under that name exists. Product names need to be unique in the DefectDojo instance. | | Description of the Product | Empty String | Only used when creating the Product not used for updating | | Product Tags | Nothing | Only used when creating the Product not used for updating | | Name of the Engagement | Scan Name | Will be automatically created if no engagement with that name and version exists | | Engagement Version | Nothing | | | Deduplicate On Engagement | false | Only used when creating the Engagement not used for updating | | Engagement Tags | Nothing | Only used when creating the Engagement not used for updating | | Test Title | Scan Name | | | Minimum severity for findings created in DD | Nothing | Used to only create finding in DD, which are of a certain severity |
Read-only Mode
By default, the DefectDojo hook will pull the imported results from DefectDojo and use them to replace the results inside secureCodeBox. This allows you to benefit from DefectDojo's deduplication logic and only trigger follow-up scans or notifications for new findings. If you want to disable this feature, you can install the hook in read-only mode using --set defectdojo.syncFindingsBack=false
while installing the hook using Helm.
Notes on syncFindingBack
Mode & Duplicate Findings
Attributes like if a finding has been marked as accepted or has been marked as a false positive in DefectDojo are only attached to the original finding. The duplicated findings will always have the falsePositive
, riskAccepted
and outOfScope
attributes set to false as they have just been imported. To enable users to access this meta information on the original the syncFindingBack
mode automatically embeds the orignal finding in the attributes of synced back duplicate findings. The following example shows a finding produced by the syncFindingBack
mode, in which the original finding has been marked as accepted.
# example synced back duplicate finding
"id": "69f891e7-3876-4506-84f2-7e4e2b33923e",
"name": "Open Port: 80/TCP",
"location": "tcp://",
"description": "### Host\n\n**IP Address:**\n**FQDN:**\n\n\n**Port/Protocol:** 80/tcp\n\n\n\n\n",
"category": "DefectDojo Imported Finding",
"severity": "INFORMATIONAL",
"attributes": {
"": 42,
"": "",
"": 7,
"falsePositive": false,
"": "",
"": 1607206,
"duplicate": true,
"riskAccepted": false,
"outOfScope": false,
"": {
"id": "7c2d64d0-3f41-42b6-84a4-0beeab746d1b",
"name": "Open Port: 80/TCP",
"location": "tcp://",
"description": "### Host\n\n**IP Address:**\n**FQDN:**\n\n\n**Port/Protocol:** 80/tcp\n\n\n\n\n",
"category": "DefectDojo Imported Finding",
"severity": "INFORMATIONAL",
"attributes": {
"": 38,
"": "",
"": 3,
"falsePositive": false,
"": "",
"": null,
"duplicate": false,
"riskAccepted": true,
"outOfScope": false,
"": null
"osi_layer": null,
"parsed_at": "2022-04-05T12:29:24.760758Z",
"identified_at": null
"osi_layer": null,
"parsed_at": "2022-04-05T13:22:46.230736Z",
"identified_at": null
Low Privileged Mode
By default the DefectDojo Hook requires a API Token with platform wide "Staff" access rights.
DefectDojo >2.0.0 refined their user access rights, allowing you to restrict the users access rights to only view specific product types in DefectDojo. The secureCodeBox DefectDojo Persistence Hook can be configured to run with such a token of a "low privileged" users by setting the defectdojo.lowPrivilegedMode=true
Limitations of the Low Privileged Mode
- The configured product type must exist beforehand as the low privileged user isn't permitted to create a new one
- The hook will not create / link the engagement to the secureCodeBox orchestration engine tool type.
- The low privileged user must have at least the
role in the configured product type.
Low Privileged Mode Install Example
kubectl create secret generic defectdojo-credentials --from-literal="apikey=08b7..."
helm upgrade --install dd oci:// \
--set="defectdojo.url=http://defectdojo-django.default.svc" \
DefectDojo minimum severity
It has come to our attention, that DefectDojo become slow when handling a lot of data. A lot of data in DefectDojo can be informational findings one likes to ignore. Therefore DefectDojo provides the option to only create findings for scan finding from a certain severity level and above, thus lowering the amount of data stored. We integrate this option in our scans by providing the "" annotation for scans. This is an example of how the minimum severity for findings of a scan can be set:
apiVersion: ""
kind: ScheduledScan
name: "zap-juiceshop"
annotations: "Low"
interval: 24h
scanType: "zap-full-scan"
- "-t"
- "http://juice-shop.demo-targets.svc:3000"
In this example only for scan findings with a severity of "Low" or higher there are findings in DefectDojo created.
Simple Example Scans
This will run a daily scan using ZAP on a demo target. The results will be imported using the name "zap-juiceshop-$UNIX_TIMESTAMP" (Name of the Scan created by the ScheduledScan), in a product called "zap-juiceshop" in the default DefectDojo product type.
apiVersion: ""
kind: ScheduledScan
name: "zap-juiceshop"
interval: 24h
scanType: "zap-full-scan"
- "-t"
- "http://juice-shop.demo-targets.svc:3000"
Complete Example Scan
This will import the results into engagement, product and product type following the labels. The engagement will be reused by the hook for the daily scans / imports until the engagement version is increased.
apiVersion: ""
kind: ScheduledScan
name: "zap-full-scan-juiceshop"
annotations: "OWASP" "Juice Shop" |
OWASP Juice Shop is probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application!
It can be used in security trainings, awareness demos, CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools!
Juice Shop encompasses vulnerabilities from the entire OWASP Top Ten along with many other security flaws found in real-world applications! vulnerable,appsec,owasp-top-ten,vulnapp "Juice Shop" "v12.6.1" "automated,daily" "true" "Juice Shop - v12.6.1"
interval: 24h
scanType: "zap-full-scan"
- "-t"
- "http://juice-shop.demo-targets.svc:3000"
Assinging more resources (CPU/Memory) to the Hook
When ingesting a large amount of findings into DefectDojo, you may require higher resource limits. Changing them may be required to avoid OOM errors. The default values are:
cpu: "200m"
memory: "100Mi"
cpu: "400m"
memory: "200Mi"
For example, to set the memory limit to 512Mi, we run the following command:
helm upgrade --namespace NAMESPACE --install persistence-defectdojo oci:// --set="hook.resources.limits.memory=512Mi"
Connecting to DefectDojo Instances usign a custom Certificate Authority
In case you use a DefectDojo instance with a self-signed root CA, upgrade the hook with:
helm upgrade --install dd oci:// \
--set="defectdojo.url=https://defectdojo-django.default.svc" \
--set-json 'hook.extraVolumes=[{"name": "ca-dojo", "configMap": {"name": "ca-dojo"}}]' \
--set-json 'hook.extraVolumeMounts=[{"name": "ca-dojo", "mountPath": "/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts", "subPath": "cacerts", "readOnly": false}]'
After, you can update /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts
with your certificate.
Running Persistence DefectDojo Hook Locally from Source
For development purposes, it can be useful to run this hook locally. You can do so by following these steps:
- Make sure you have access to a running DefectDojo instance.
- Run a Scan of your choice.
- Supply Download Links for the Scan Results (Raw Result and Findings.json). You can access them from the included Minio Instance and upload them to a GitHub Gist.
- Set the following environment variables:
: URL to your DefectDojo server, e.gDEFECTDOJO_URL=""
. (Required by defectdojo-client-java lib.)DEFECTDOJO_APIKEY
: API key, e.g.DEFECTDOJO_APIKEY="..."
(Can be fetched from the DefectDojo API information page). (Required by defectdojo-client-java lib.)DEFECTDOJO_IS_DEV
: To enable dev mode, which loads a k8s config from~/.kube/config
, e.g.DEFECTDOJO_IS_DEV="true"
: (optional) For mocking purpose when debugging locally, e.gSCAN_NAME=""
. Must be set exactly to the name of the scan used in step 2. Typically, this is set automatically by secureCodeBox.NAMESPACE
: (optional) For mocking purpose when debugging locally, e.gNAMESPACE=my-namespace
. Typically, this is set automatically by secureCodeBox.
- Build the jar with gradle and run it with the following CLI arguments: {Raw Result Download URL} {Findings Download URL} {Raw Result Upload URL} {Findings Upload URL}. See the code snippet below. You have to adjust the filename of the jar. Also, you will need to change the download URLs for the Raw Result and Findings to the ones from Step 3.
./gradlew build
java -jar build/libs/defectdojo-persistenceprovider-<VERSION>>.jar
Key | Type | Default | Description |
defectdojo.authentication.apiKeyKey | string | "apikey" | Name of the apikey key in the userSecret secret. Use this if you already have a secret with different key / value pairs |
defectdojo.authentication.userId | string | nil | Set the userId explicitly. When not set the configured username is used to look up the userId via the DefectDojo API (which is only available for privileged users.) |
defectdojo.authentication.userSecret | string | "defectdojo-credentials" | Link a pre-existing generic secret with username and apikey key / value pairs |
defectdojo.authentication.usernameKey | string | "username" | Name of the username key in the userSecret secret. Use this if you already have a secret with different key / value pairs |
defectdojo.lowPrivilegedMode | bool | false | Allows the hook to run with a users token whose access rights are restricted to one / multiple product types but doesn't have global platform rights. If set to true, the DefectDojo User ID has to be configured instead of the username (defectdojo.authentication.userId ). User needs to have at least the Maintainer role in the used Product Type. |
defectdojo.syncFindingsBack | bool | true | Syncs back (two way sync) all imported findings from DefectDojo to SCB Findings Store. When set to false the hook will only import the findings to DefectDojo (one way sync). |
defectdojo.url | string | "http://defectdojo-django.default.svc" | Url to the DefectDojo Instance |
hook.affinity | object | {} | Optional affinity settings that control how the hook job is scheduled (see: |
hook.env | list | [] | Optional environment variables mapped into the hook (see: |
hook.extraVolumeMounts | list | [] | Optional VolumeMounts mapped into the hook (see: |
hook.extraVolumes | list | [] | Optional Volumes mapped into the hook (see: |
hook.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" | Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. More info: |
hook.image.repository | string | "" | Hook image repository |
hook.image.tag | string | defaults to the charts version | Container image tag |
hook.labels | object | {} | Add Kubernetes Labels to the hook definition |
hook.priority | int | 0 | Hook priority. Higher priority Hooks are guaranteed to execute before low priority Hooks. |
hook.resources | object | { requests: { cpu: "200m", memory: "100Mi" }, limits: { cpu: "400m", memory: "200Mi" } } | Optional resources lets you control resource limits and requests for the hook container. See |
hook.tolerations | list | [] | Optional tolerations settings that control how the hook job is scheduled (see: |
hook.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | string | nil | Seconds after which the kubernetes job for the hook will be deleted. Requires the Kubernetes TTLAfterFinished controller: |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] | Define imagePullSecrets when a private registry is used (see: |
Code of secureCodeBox is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.